مصبغة من الخيزران

Bamboo grille is a decorative and functional element made from sustainable and eco-friendly bamboo. Its unique texture and natural appearance make it an ideal choice for covering air vents, wall partitions, ceilings, and screens. It is lightweight, durable, and resistant to moisture and decay, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Bamboo grille is easy to install and can be cut to fit any size or shape required. It is also an environmentally friendly option that reduces the demand for less eco-friendly materials.

مصبغة من الخيزران
Bamboo grille interior


Bamboo grille is a decorative and functional element used in architecture and interior design. It is made from sustainable and eco-friendly bamboo, which is a fast-growing and renewable resource. It is available in a variety of patterns and designs, making it a versatile material that can be used in many different applications.

Bamboo grille is commonly used as a covering for air vents or as a decorative panel in wall partitions, ceilings, and screens. Its unique texture and natural appearance bring warmth and sophistication to any space, while its open design allows for air circulation and natural light flow.

The lightweight and durable properties of bamboo make it an ideal material for grille applications. It is resistant to moisture and decay, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. It is also easy to install and can be cut to fit any size or shape required.

In addition to its functional benefits, it is also an environmentally friendly choice. It is a sustainable and renewable resource, and its use helps to reduce the demand for less eco-friendly materials.

إجمالي, it is a beautiful and practical option for adding a touch of natural beauty and sophistication to any space. Whether used in residential or commercial projects, it is a sustainable and versatile material that is sure to make a positive impact.

مصبغة من الخيزران
مصبغة من الخيزران


1. هل أنت مصنع أو شركة تجارية?
–نحن شركة تصنيع منتجات مهنية لـ 20+ سنين.
2. ما نوع الشهادة أو التقارير التي لديك?
–لدينا شهادات كاملة حول المواد الخام, production, والمنتجات النهائية, مثل FSC, ايزو, م, توفالو, مقاوم للحرائق,مضاد للتآكل,مكافحة العفن, ومكافحة النمل الأبيض. سيتم عرض التقرير.
3. ما هي ميزة مادة الخيزران?
–قابل للتجديد, مستمر, وصديق للبيئة, يمكن تحويلها إلى أشكال مختلفة, مع عدم وجود حد للطول, width, وسمك.
4. هل تقدم خدمات مخصصة?
Yes, يتم تخصيص معظم حالاتنا. لدينا فريق التصميم والهندسة الخاص بنا والذي يمكنه تقديم حلول مشاريع احترافية للغاية.